Dr. Thom's Story

Dr. Thom & Jan Lokensgard
I have always held a special fascination in the sciences. In grade school, I entered the school science fair and came away with a blue ribbon for my project, "The Human Body". This passion led me into a career in dentistry and medicine.
As far back as I can remember, there were 3 things I always wondered about as a young boy:
What did it look like at the bottom of a lake?
What did it look like inside the human body?
How did the body work?
As I grew older, I had the opportunity to satisfy my first two curiosities, and as of this writing, I remain engaged in working on the third.
I was trained and certified in rescue and advanced Scuba-diving in the mid-1990’s and have since seen the bottom of quite a few lakes, including the Great Lakes where, on a diving expedition, I very nearly lost my life at 70 feet at the bow of the Maderia shipwreck.
While attending college I worked as a pathology autopsy assistant at Fairview-Southdale Hospital in Edina, Minnesota, where I experienced quite a few autopsies and head posts with some very brilliant pathologists. Check off goal number 2! Figuring out how God’s Grand Design is put together remains a passion and a calling, and I will be working on this one, for the rest of my life.. .
My Early Education
In 1974, I received a BA degree (Cum Laude) from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota, majoring in Biology with a special emphasis in Biochemistry and Physiology. After being accepted into the Endocrinology program at Colorado State College, I opted to enter Dentistry at the University of Minnesota, graduating in 1979. Over the years my interest and knowledge base deepened in Orthodontic and CranioFacial procedures in dentistry, in which I took hundreds of additional hours in CDE credits to advance my career.
So, How Did I Begin My Work in Holistic Dentistry?
In the early 1990’s, I began to see there was something missing in traditional medicine and dentistry. Believing there was a connection between nutrition and wellness I began questioning the inherent logic of prescribing pharmaceuticals for every symptom that came along. As I continued treating my patients and expanding my education, it became increasingly clear there was a proven connection between nutrition and optimal health.
At that time, it seemed to me, clinicians had not yet made the connection between optimal health and nutrition. This furthered my journey into, “What does nutrition have to do with it?”
I began focusing on nutritional, probiotic, glyco-nutrient, enzyme, and endocrine therapies, and I joined the American Nutraceutical Association (ANA) in 2001. What I noticed was a body of new scientific information that completely supported this new rationale.
When a 2001 Harvard Medical Study connected silent inflammation to periodontitis and heart disease, the link was complete.
The One Trip that Changed Everything for Me
I made a trip to Nashville after joining the ANA and was fascinated to have discovered a group of MD’s, DDS’s, and DC’s that were plugged into a nutritional- medical model. I immediately bought in and it changed my life.
A month later, as I was attending a nutritional seminar, the speaker said something very powerful. He proclaimed, “There is a battle being waged, but it’s not against your doctor or the medical establishment or your insurance. The battle is being waged in the GROCERY STORE.” It hit me that the piece that was lacking in the medical puzzle was nutritionally-based yet medically-missing.
I thought about this for years and have finally concluded that this speaker was correct. This was well before I’d ever heard of GMO foods or really understood much about nutrition. So now - we will fast forward a bit in time together.

Dr. Thom and two of his beautiful granddaughters.

Courtland with our
patient Kristin Cavallari.
The Holistic Hygienist
My Story
Courtland Nall, RDH, IDBM
First and foremost I’m a mother and wife to my beautiful family. My one year old son Hawkins and husband Hunter are the lights of my life! As a passionate follower of Jesus I truly believe one of my biggest callings has been to my family, but also my patients. I recently left the clinical side of holistic dentistry to focus on caring for my family full time. The community of patients and relationships I left behind with this transition left a giant void, stemming from my enormous passion for this field of work. This void is largely there because I know firsthand how hard it is to find honest, holistic-centered, unbiased advice when it comes to oral health and recommended dental procedures. This has been my focus of study and passion for so many years. With all of this knowledge I have attained I knew I could still help— but how! Along side Dr. Lokensgard, this is our “new” how.
I am a Registered Dental Hygienist (RDH, BS) with a focus on Holistic and Biological Dentistry. I am certified with the top holistic dental organization, The International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine (IABDM). I have been in the dental field for over ten years. Starting out in traditional dentistry (as we all do) I witnessed the mouth-body connection through the experiences of my patients. With every continued visit my patient's oral health and systemic health got worse and worse. More tooth decay, more bleeding gums, more tacked on health conditions with every medical history update…my patients are trying their best— what gives!?
That is where I finally started to study on my own. Where traditional dentistry failed me, holistic and biological dentistry saved me (and my patients). I owe so much of my education and training to Dr. Lokensgard who has been an amazing source of knowledge and support. As my mentor he guided my UNLEARNING that was necessary in order to embrace holistic and biological dentistry to it's fullest. Together we are making changes in the dental world for the BETTER.

Courtland with her husband Hunter and son Hawkins.
Courtland with Del Bigtree at the IABDM conference.
Courtland with our patient Jeff Fisher.
Dr. Thom's Later Training & Experience
After I sold my dentistry practice in Minnesota, I spent three years pursuing my Naturopathic Medical Degree (NMD), from Clayton College of Natural Health in Birmingham, Alabama, graduating with highest honors. In 2003, with training in Botox and dermal fillers, I entered the field of cosmetic facial aesthetics and started my Oral-Med Aesthetics Business. I then joined the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), and pursued board certification and fellowship status as a Diplomate (ABAAHP) in 2009, which really tied it all together for me. Since that time my passion has only grown.
My Life-Rejuvenation Program and its content is the fruit of that passion. With over 30 years of clinical experience and with memberships in numerous organizations, I continue my quest on a daily basis for the answer to my third question about life. A native of Bloomington, Minnesota, I now live in Franklin, Tennessee with my amazing wife. We have 6 children and 11 grandchildren.
Life Rejuvenation Systems™ is the comprehensive, practical compilation of the sum total of my professional clinical and educational experiences, seminars, lectures, notes, and in-depth studies. The results that come from the applied modules and protocols of Oral Rejuvenation and Age Rejuvenation assists in the process of taking personal responsibility for your health needs, as well as revealing The Creators magnificent self-healing potential built in to each cell of the human body".
Yours for Optimal Health,
~Thomas J. Lokensgard, DDS, NMD, ABAAHP
Education and Credentials
Concordia College, B.A., 1974, Cum Laude, Biology and Chemistry
University of Minnesota School of Dentistry,1979, DDS
Clayton College of Natural Healing, 2007, NMD
Diplomate, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, ABAAHP
Applied Professional Memberships
AAOT, American Academy of Ozonotherapy
A4M, American Academy of AntiAging Medicine
DAMS, Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions
HDA, Holistic Dental Association
IABDM, International Academy of Biological Dentistry & Medicine
IAO, International Association of Orthodontics
IAOMT, International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology
PPF, Price-Pottenger Foundation
WAPF, Weston A. Price Foundation
Advanced Medical Training
Orthodontics, Cranio-facial and Oral-Facial Orthopedics, IAO
Cosmetic Restorative Dentistry
Fellow, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
Restylane and Botox training, Mesna Plastic Surgery, Edina, Minnesota
Radiesse Training, Dr. Christopher Tolan, Plastic Surgery
Nutrition Training
Hormone Optimization
Advanced and Rescue certified Scuba Diver (PADI)
BSA Eagle Board of Review, District Committee, Scout Master, Pine Region District
Dr. Thomas Lokensgard, DDS, NMD, ABAAHP is the author of his first book, “Matters of the Mouth” along with two comprehensive programs, Biological Dentistry Enhancement Program which consisit of the Oral-Rejuvenation Moldules, and the Age Rejuvenation Life Enhancement Program, and his Age Management Guided-Wellness Protocols and Life Enhancement Therapies.
Dr. Thom is Featured On :
The Truth about Cancer: A Global Quest, Episode 5 with Ty Bollinger
Dr Josh Axe’s 50 Top Functional and Integrative Medical Doctors
A Health Awakening with Executive Producer and host Scott Laird, ND
The Highwire with Del Bigtree
Numerous network and radio shows, lectures, articles, and webinars
My early cellular detection and diagnostic program emphasizes a healthy lifestyle.
I agree with my colleague Dr. David Baltimore,
''You cannot pharmacologically intoxicate someone into health."